The Demon Academy: The Complete Collection by Bailey G

The Demon Academy: The Complete Collection by Bailey G

Author:Bailey, G. [Bailey, G.]
Language: eng
Format: azw3, epub
Published: 2020-04-22T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter 35

The angels have a pretty castle; how is that fair?

I don’t know how long we are flying at an insane speed before Neriffe suddenly slows, and I gasp in air as I could barely breathe before this point.

“You can look now,” Morgan, the asshole who didn’t really warn me about this shit, tells me as he straightens up, still keeping an arm around my waist. I open my eyes, blinking a few times at the bright light as Neriffe glides smoothly in the air towards a castle in the clouds. Everything is a blur as I suck in a deep breath and wipe my wet eyes, feeling how cold it is around us. The wind is damn cold up here in the clouds, and the clouds look like silver cotton candy as they surround us. Neriffe smoothly glides in the air, moving slowly and perfectly. Whatever bond Morgan and she have is strong, strong enough that he never once had to guide her as she knew where he wanted to go.

I’m pretty sure Amethyst would have spun around and dropped me off somewhere random. Morgan has the better familiar for sure. I shake my head a little, moving my hair out of my eyes and tucking it behind my ears as we get closer to the castle.

Holy all things in the world, it is the prettiest castle I have ever seen. It’s on a massive rock, floating in the middle of dozens of white clouds, and sun shines brightly down onto the castle and small houses around it, and on the beautiful gardens. The castle has what must be dozens of white spiral towers and bridges connecting all of the castle to the main part in the middle. When I look up, wondering how it is day at all in here, I see the sun isn’t a sun at all. It’s a floating orb of intense light, with angels in a line like a barrier all the way around it.

“Welcome to Neamh, the home of the angels. Never before has a demon set foot here, count yourself lucky,” he tells me, turning Neriffe to the side, and I grip his arm that’s around me tighter just in case. This is really fucking high up. No matter how beautiful The Angel Academy is, I don’t have wings to save me if I fall.

“Are you breaking another rule, Mr. Morganach?” I ask.

“I told you once before, I’m a bad teacher,” he replies. I chuckle as I lean back into him, ignoring how being pressed so close to him makes my heart beat faster than how nervous I am being up this high. “Now, hood up, Miss Cameron, there might be angels around even though they should be sleeping.” I pull my hood up and hold it in place as Neriffe swoops down, the wind making me catch my breath. Neriffe flies into the nest of pink orchard trees at the back of the castle, gracefully landing on a clearing in the middle of it.


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